Book Revisions
We have now completed the revisions of our past books.
Below you can see info on how each book has been adjusted and the content within each one.
Lovely Girls was originally called Maid Girls (but since it doesnt have any maids in it, we felt a new name was for the best with the revisions). The story content of the book remains the same, however dialogue and speech have been adjusted slightly across the stories.
The other major change is that the books white border has now been removed so that the page artwork now goes to the very edge of the page. Making both the digital and physical editions a little bit nicer. Softcover edition will be available soon. PDF edition is available on our store, for anyone who wants this updated edition.
Delightful Sins has not been renamed, but a variety of content has also been edited, some dialogue has been removed and other parts have been edited, to make the stories flow a little better than they used to.
Similar to Lovely Girls the other major adjustment to this book is that the stories no longer have the white border around the edge of each page, so the artwork fills the full page and therefore will look much better as a result, with speech bubbles and effects adjusted to make this work when printed. Softcover editions will be available soon. PDF edition is available on our store, for anyone who wants this updated edition of the book.
Monstrous Beauties has been adjusted to remove a few stories which did not suit the theme of the book. The original book had bonus stories at the end of the book that were funded in the Kickstarter but they had no connection to any of the previous stories and did not include monsters.
So these stories were removed and the illustrations of the book were adjusted, the book is now 136 pages long and matches the size of Lovely Girls and Delightful Sins. Softcover Editions of this new version will be available soon. PDF edition however is already available on our store, for anyone who wants to checkout this updated edition of the book.
Quintessential Beauties has had the biggest change of all of our books, originally we created three editions (softcover, collectors and signature) each one having more content than the last. After careful consideration we split Quintessential Beauties into two volumes.
Volume 1 includes the first half of the story, the content of which has been adjusted for better pacing, and reduced duplication of events. Whilst the original version worked well we feel this is a better version of the book. The main cover is set for the book, PDF edition is already available and a softcover version will be available soon on our store.
Volume 2 of Quintessential Beauties has the second half of the book, mostly as it was in the original version of the book. Both Volume 1 and Volume 2 are now 136 pages long and have between them the full story included.
The cover art for Volume 2 features the bonus artwork of the girls having a pillow fight, whilst the first volume has the onsen hotsprings artwork. Similarly bonus art illustrations for these images are included respectively in each volume. A softcover edition of Volume 2 will be coming soon, PDF edition however is already available on our store.
Devilish Stories is technically a new book, however the content included comes from the removals from the previous books. Two stories that were removed from Monstrous Beauties are included. Several stories that were cut from Quintessential Beauties Volume 1 and 2 are also included in this book.
Finally several short stories and special content on the demons that appeared in the Signature Edition of Quintessential Beauties also appears in this book alongside a large collection of illustrations to make this another 136 page book. A new cover for the book is being designed. Softcover editions will be available soon, PDF editions meanwhile are available now on our store.
The changes to these books will make it easier for us to offer printed editions in the future.
Also from this point on Collectors Editions of our future books will only be available on the campaign and briefly on our website after a campaign has shipped rewards. But Collectors Hardback Editions of our books will always be very limited in the future and the only way to ensure you get one is to support the Kickstarter campaign that funds the book.